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Tiffen 4x5.650 Water/White Ultra Polarized Linear

£442.00 (ex VAT)
£530.40 (inc VAT)
SKU: Tiffen 4x5.650 Water/White Ultra Polarized Linear W45650UPOL

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The Tiffen 4 x 5.65" Ultra Linear Polarizing Filter is a filter that lets you take photos that would ordinarily be impossible to achieve. Tiffen Ultra Circular Polarizing filters are good when a traditional polarizer doesn't give you enough "zip". The Tiffen "Ultra" polarizer gives you a little more. Ultra Polarizers bump up your blue skies a touch more just enough to make that critical difference.

Tiffen Linear Ultra Pol and Circular Ultra Pol filters offer the best polarization effects available for professional motion picture and television work. They extract the maximum of unwanted glare from the scene and render crisp white clouds against a dramatically dark blue sky, like never before.

Note! Linear polarizers are used with most video and manual focus photo cameras. They are not recommended for auto-focus SLR cameras.


  • Increases saturation in the blue range of the spectrum, i.e. skies, water

Please note: Depending on stock, Tiffen Filters can potentially take one month to order as many are custom made. Please contact us for assistance.

Type Ultra Linear Polarizing
Size 4 x 5.65" (100 x 140mm, 4mm thick)
Grade Not Applicable
Filter Factor Between 2.3 and 2.8 (approx. +1.3 stops)
Multi-Coated Not Applicable
Rotating Not Applicable
Effect Removes reflections and increases color saturation without affecting the overall color balance
Application Nature, scenics
Color Temperature Not Applicable
Construction Water White Glass
Front Filter Thread Size Not Applicable
Front Lens Cap Size Not Applicable
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