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Sony XDS-PD1000 XDCAM Deck/ IT Server Professional Disc Drive, 1TB HDD

£27,147.15 (ex VAT)
£32,576.58 (inc VAT)
SKU: Sony XDS-PD1000 XDCAM Deck/ IT Server Professional Disc Drive, 1TB HDD XDS-PD1000/A

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The Sony XDS-PD1000 supports operation of all SxS card types, including Memory Stick and SDHC cards, using MEAD adaptors & also all XDCAM Professional Disc models in all recording formats and modes. The Internal 1TB Hard Disk Drive (HDD) and the 1Gigabit Ethernet connection allow a total of about 32 hours of continuous recording in HD422 50Mbps and multi-user simultaneous access to the AV content.

Hybrid XDCAM workflow

The XDCAM Station is a professional media station with a built-in storage and interfaces for both Professional Disc media and SxS memory cards, enabling hybrid operation in an XDCAM workflow. It features better support for multi-task operations, networking and other IT functions. Adding the XDCAM Station to an XDCAM workflow makes file-based operation much more convenient and efficient.

Increases functionality with Professional Disc drive

Sony XDS-PD1000 has an internal 4th generation 4G Professional Disc drive that allows partial transfer of materials or full backup from the Professional Disc to the internal 1TB HDD. Furthermore, materials from the internal HDD can be partially copied to the Professional Disc. Simultaneous operation of baseband recording and playback or slow-motion is possible. Editing while recording (growing file editing) is also possible.


This product comes with PrimeSupport. This gives you a fast, hassle-free repair service and a helpline offering expert technical advice. This brings peace of mind knowing that Sony is looking after your equipment, and your business.

  • Supports all XDCAM storage formats

The XDS-PD1000 brings the XDCAM Professional Disc optical memory and XDCAM EX SxS solid state memory workflows together in a powerful "bridge" solution. The XDS-PD1000 supports all XDCAM and XDCAM EX file formats, codecs and metadata, effectively offering complete format transparency. It also supports industry-standard VDCP, ftp and CIFS protocols.

  • Supports 4th generation 4G Professional Disc drive and Quad Layer discs

The Sony XDS-PD1000 supports the new high-speed DCHS optical drive. It handles the Dual Layer disc (PFD50DLA), Single Layer disc (PFD23A) and Quad Layer disc (PFD128QLW) as well as SxS Pro, SxS-1 memory cards and card adaptors for memory sticks and SDHCs. The 4G drive and Quad Layer discs offer larger storage volumes and higher access speeds. They are ideal for archiving large quantities of material.

  • Multi-tasking internal storage operations

The 1TB Hard Disk Drive (HDD) internal storage is capable of multi-tasking when carrying out certain tasks. This increases interoperability and overall efficiency when working with Network Production systems.

  • Familiar VTR-like user interface

The layout of controls on the XDS deck follows industry-standard conventions already familiar to most users. This makes it easy to use, configure and integrate into the overall workflow.

  • Enhances network functionality

The XDS-PD1000 allows users to access growing volumes of files from non-linear editors without file transfer, offering high-speed file transfer and multiple access via a network. The XDS-PD1000 offers 4 clients for file transfer and 4 clients for network control.

  • SD / HD cross-conversion

The XDS-PD1000 supports SD and HD as standard with up-conversion record, and up/down/cross-conversion playback.

Mass: 17 kg (37 lb 8 oz)
Dimension: (W x H x D) 424 x 132 x 460 mm (16 3/4 x 5 1/4 x 18 1/8 inches)
Power requirements: AC 100 V to 240 V, 50 Hz/60 Hz, 250 W
Recording time, 50 Mbps Video: Approx. 12.5 W (while recording, EVF On, LCD monitor Off)
Recording time, 50 Mbps Video: 30 H
Control Protocol: RS422A (Protocol: VTR, VDCP), Video Process Control, API/Ethernet control, GPI (4in/4out)
Disk Storage System: 500 GB SATA HDD, 3 Drives, Raid-4
Input and output: 1 input channel and 1 output channel
Network Interface: GbE, ftp and CIFS
Media Drive: 2 SxS memory slots and a Professional Disc Drive
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