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Post BSC VENICE Update

Posted by Sam Liu on 4th Feb 2019

As expected the 2019 show was all about the Sony VENICE and interest wasn't just from Features and Drama DoPs! The show was used to announce that the RIALTA VENICE Extension Block has started to ship and for Sony to draw a line in the sand for Firmware V4.0. The deadline for V4.0 is the 20th June 2019 and it will bring the following Frame Rates: 6K (3:2) - 60fps 4K (2.39:1) - 120fps 4K (17:9) - 110fps 4K (4:3) - 75fps (updated information) We had a lot of interest for the VENICE from Doco Camera operators looking for something new. The VENICE in Basic form gives you everything you need for HD and 4K acquisition but is scalable in easy steps to get you to Full Frame and 6K. In it's lightweight form you can use E Mount Lenses or an adaptor to get you to EF. Call for more details. Freelancers were intrigued by the idea that they could buy into a Super 35, HD/4K camera that did the work they do now, but could easily be upgraded to allow them into the next tier of work and offer the Full Frame look in the Codecs they're delivering now. As predicted last year the VENICE easily out performed the LF and Arri have had to have a rethink. Last year Michael Jonas the Product Manager for the Arri Mini was on record describing how difficult It would be to make a mini LF but this year Arri are verbally promising to show one at NAB. Critically Jonas pointed out how they had to compromise on Frame Rates on the Mini in relation to the full size Alexa and how heat and power were difficult; the full size LF already has issues with heat and power. Sony have confirmed an improvement on Frame Rates and the VENICE is in fact not a lot bigger than the Mini. The Mini body is 140mm x 125mm x 185mm, where the VENICE body is 159mm x 133mm x 172mm. The VENICE is 1.6kg heavier than a standard Mini, but in fact 1kg lighter than a Digi Beta!
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